Business Valuation
We provide in-depth business valuations to help you understand your company’s true worth, and maximize its value for growth, financing, or a future sale.
Business Valuation
A business valuation is important because it provides a clear picture of your company’s true worth and overall financial health. Understanding potential current resale values will help you make informed strategic planning decisions related to growth initiatives and areas of improvement. A business valuation is important when considering potential mergers and acquisitions, financing, estate planning, tax planning and exit strategies. Business valuations involve an in-depth qualitative and quantitative analysis of your business to determine an estimate of its economic value. When analyzing privately held companies there are three primary methods consultants use.
The Income Approach
The Market Approach
The Asset Approach
To grow your business or execute a successful sale, it’s critical that you know your numbers. This information will help you better understand the key metrics that drive your company’s value, so you can focus your energy and resources in areas the drive revenue, profits and overall business value. The only thing that is guaranteed in business is that someday you will exit your business.